Thursday, May 5, 2011

30 Days With...Google Docs

You can do anything for 30 days, right? I mean, it's only one month. How hard can it be? Well, I'm going to find out because today is the day I start my new project: "30 Days With..."

Each month I will embrace a new platform or technology--immersing myself in it and abandoning the tools and software I am familiar with. I will blog each day to share my experience, documenting the good and the bad (at least in my opinion). In addition, I will write up how-to's and tips to help guide those who might follow my path someday.
Google DocsThis article is the first document I have ever actually written using Google Docs.To kick off the ambitious new project, I am giving up my security blanket--Microsoft Office. I have used every version of Microsoft Office since the mid-1990s, and I make my living in Microsoft Word. For the month of May, however, I will abandon Microsoft Office and spend 30 Days With...Google Docs.
So check back each day to follow my trials and tribulations with Google Docs. I will do my best to view Google Docs objectively, but I readily admit that more than a decade of using Microsoft Office will make it hard not to judge Docs against the standard of Office.
If you have questions about Google Docs, let me know what they are and I will see if I can dig up the answers. If you have any warnings I should know about, or any guidance on how I can make the most of Google Docs, feel free to e-mail me and give me your tips and advice.
So here we go. Let the 30 days begin...


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